
CTS draws from an extensive and diverse pool of over 400 subject matter experts with knowledge of and experience in complex space and ground-based systems. This depth of expertise allows us to build acquisition teams who bring directly relevant and recent experience in the technical, scientific, and management domain areas driving mission success.

Key Areas of Expertise

Technical, Science, and Management Domain Expertise
Scientific/Technical Communications and Outreach
  • Content development

  • Editing and proofing

  • Training presentations

  • Workshops and forums

  • Website content

  • Manuals and technical documents


CTS provides highly skilled, subject matter expertise to assist the Intelligence and Department of Defense organizations in meeting their mission objectives in defending our nation.

Key Areas of Expertise

Engineering and SETA Services

Aerospace Engineering Services

Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA)

  • Requirements and functional analysis/allocation

  • Risk assessments and mitigation

  • Systems architecture, design, analysis, and control

  • Independent verification and validation, test, and deployment plans

  • Quality assurance

  • C4ISR/DoDAF process implementation

  • Capability maturity model integrated (CMMi) best practices

Management Solutions
  • Software design and architecture

  • Web application development

  • Desktop application development on both Windows and Linux

  • Software integration and customization

  • Software project management

Software Development
  • Software design and architecture

  • Web application development

  • Desktop application development on both Windows and Linux

  • Software integration and customization

  • Software project management

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